The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati - Wilmington Office

117 N. South Street
Wilmington, OH - 45177
Phone Number: (513) 241-9400
Fax Number: (937) 383-5655

The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati operates Legal Aid Line, which is the primary access for both Legal Aid Societies and the Volunteer Lawyers Project. Applicants may call (513) 241-9400 or (800) 582-2682 to request legal assistance. In addition to providing direct client services, the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati provides administrative, development, and technical support for the Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio, LLC and the Volunteer Lawyers for the Poor Foundation.

Business Hours: By Appointment ONLY

Mission Statement: The mission of the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati is to resolve serious legal problems of low-income people, to promote economic and family stability, and to reduce poverty through effective legal assistance.

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2020-03-08 01:08:51

I am going through a divorce and need to file bankruptcy as well. Is it possible to see if I qualify for legal aid and is it possible to file the bankruptcy and divorce at the same time?

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Important Information

Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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