St Elizabeth Shelters Free Legal Clinic

804 Alarid Street
Santa Fe, NM - 87505
Phone Number: (505) 982-6611
Fax Number: (505) 982-5347

Every Tuesday by appointment
Volunteer attorneys meet with low-income individuals as well as those experiencing homelessness in private sessions and provide on the spot legal information and advice as well as referrals to low income/pro bono legal service programs. The attorneys also help draft legal documents. In many instances, the problems of the interviewees can be resolved at the clinic.

Mission Statement: St. Elizabeth Shelter is dedicated to assisting homeless individuals and families by providing emergency shelter, food, case management, counseling, supportive housing and referrals to partnering human-service agencies. St. Elizabeth Shelter’s ultimate goal is to end the cycle of homelessness.

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help to filled my income tax
Friday, February 17, 2023

help to filled my income tax

Family law
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Family law

Special needs trust
Monday, April 13, 2020

Special needs trust


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Important Information

Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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