Mississippi Center for Legal Services - Vicksburg

1222 Washington Street
Vicksburg, MS - 39181
Phone Number: (601) 636-8322
Fax Number: (601) 636-8405

Clients in Warren, Yazoo, Issaquena and Sharkey counties are assisted by the Vicksburg office. It is staffed with lawyers, paralegals and other support staff who are available to address problems which may occur in the particular service area or to make appropriate referrals.

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Fire damage claim
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Fire damage claim


2021-05-25 13:49:53

I am trying to get a no contact order lifted. I was incarcerated but have now been released. I have completed the sentence and all the rehabilitation classes that was offered to me at the facility, would like to ask for assistance to attain legal aid in said matter above. Thank you.

2021-06-05 20:13:31

I have three children in Warren county custody and they refuse to give them back. They are wanting to adopt my kids out and they have nothing to support the reason why. I have done everything I was asked to do and they still are refusing to give them back. I haven't seen my kids in a year and they won't let me talk to them nor see them. Please help me. I've never failed a drug test. I did parenting classes..the whole 9 yards. .

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Important Information

Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.
