Mississippi Center for Legal Services is a nonprofit corporation organized to provide high quality legal services to low income persons in Southern Mississippi. It is the result of the merger between Central Southwest MS Legal Services and Southeast MS Legal Services and includes the Gulf coast area formerly served by South MS Legal Services. We aspire to provide hope and encouragement for the economically disadvantaged by ensuring that the legal system operates impartially without regard to station in life.
Mission Statement: Accessibility - To be visible and accessible to the community Client-Focused - To serve our clients with purpose and dignity Excellence - To provide high quality civil legal services Education - To make persons aware of their legal rights, remedies and obligations
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Conservatorship adult,stolen inheritance,POA abuse,forged documents,
Criminal case
Criminal case
small claims
Criminal case
Child custody
Help with wrongful overpayment ssdi
Criminal case
Do you help with no fault divorce?
Do you handle conservator-ship of an adult, POA abusing duty, forged documents?
Do you help DUI?