Kansas Legal Services, a statewide non-profit corporation, is devoted to helping low income Kansans meet their basic needs through the provision of important legal and mediation services. KLS strives to erase the causes of poverty and mitigate its effects by helping people achieve and keep up self-sufficiency.
You can apply for legal assistance either by phone 1-800-723-6953 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or by filling out our Online Application. Individuals seeking legal assistance should first apply. Our field offices can't answer any questions or give legal advice until they have an application on file.
Counties served: Franklin, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Wyandotte
Mission Statement: To provide legal advice and/or representation to those Kansans who are experiencing barriers to obtaining legal representation in civil legal matters.
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Difficult due to no in person help
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Second parent adoption
unemployment judicial review
My 15 yr old daughter moved in with dad august 1st. Now she does not want to come for her court ordered we can parenting time and he’s not insisting that she do so
Wrongful Eviction