Disability Rights Ohio is a non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio. We envision a society in which people with disabilities are full and equal members, enjoy the rights and opportunities of all people, are self-directed, make decisions about where, how and with whom they will live, learn, work and play, have access to needed services and supports, and are free from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination. At Disability Rights Ohio, we provide legal advocacy and rights protection to a wide range of people with disabilities. This includes assisting individuals with problems such as abuse, neglect, discrimination, access to assistive technology, special education, housing, employment, community integration, voting and rights protection issues.
Mission Statement: Disability Rights Ohio is a non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio.
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Privacy invasion, neglect, verbal abuse and abandonment of my 2 autistic sons