Disability Law Center Massachusetts

11 Beacon Street
Boston, MA - 02108
Phone Number: (617) 723-8455
Fax Number: (617) 723-9125

The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for Massachusetts. DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities. DLC receives federal, state and private funding but is not part of the state or federal government. We provide information, referral, technical assistance and representation regarding legal rights and services for people with disabilities. DLC provides legal services to people in Massachusetts who have a wide range of physical, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

Mission Statement: To enforce and strengthen laws that protect the opportunities, choices and legal rights of people with disabilities in Utah. We envision a world where abilities, rather than disabilities, are recognized, all people have an equal opportunity to participate; and where all are treated with equity, dignity and respect for their expressed choices.

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Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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