Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc. - Torrington Office

240 Winsted Road
Torrington, CT - 06790
Phone Number: (860) 496-3700

Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., (CLRP) is a statewide non-profit agency which provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. CLRP represents clients in accordance with their expressed preferences in administrative, judicial, and legislative venues to enforce their legal rights and assure that personal choices are respected and individual self-determination is protected.

Due to a lack of available resources and staff, CLRP attorneys and paralegals will only offer representation in cases that have substantial legal merit, and cannot accept every case. To apply please call 1-877-402-2299 between 9 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.

Mission Statement: Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc., (CLRP) is a statewide non-profit agency which provides legal services to low income individuals with mental health conditions, who reside in hospitals or the community, on matters related to their treatment, recovery, and civil rights. CLRP represents clients in accordance with their expressed preferences in administrative, judicial, and legislative venues to enforce their legal rights and assure that personal choices are respected and individual self-determination is protected. CLRP develops and supports initiatives to promote full community integration which maximizes opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency.

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Contract not being honored.
Monday, November 1, 2021

Contract not being honored.

Sunday, September 6, 2020



2021-11-01 17:30:36

I need help with discharge upgrade and a contract that is not being honored, and disability compensation.

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Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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