Connecticut Veterans Legal Center

114 Boston Post Road
West Haven, CT - 06516
Phone Number: (203) 794-4291
Fax Number: (___) ___-____

The mission of Connecticut Veterans Legal Center is to help veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare and income. Common issues include evictions, foreclosures, consumer debt collections, divorce and child support, VA and Social Security income, criminal pardons, and tax issues.

Mission Statement: CVLC is dedicated to removing the legal barriers to housing, healthcare, and income for veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness.

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about a house deed
Monday, November 29, 2021

about a house deed


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Important Information

Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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