The Children’s Law Center of Connecticut

30 Arbor Street
Hartford, CT - 06106
Phone Number: (860) 232-9993
Fax Number: (860) 232-9996

The Childrens Law Center of Connecticut works to protect indigent children involved in family court by providing high quality legal services and advocating for policies that advance the well being and best interests of children. Through its work representing children, CLC seeks to achieve the most stable, safe, and beneficial arrangement for children who are caught in the middle of a family crisis such as a custody battle, divorce, or other chronic family conflict.

Eligibility for the Childrens Law Centers free legal representation is based on indigence, as determined by the court, and an exacerbating issue such as child abuse, domestic violence, neglect, mental illness, substance abuse, or chronic conflict. CLC represents children who are referred by family court.

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

Mission Statement: The mission of The Children’s LAW Center is to promote the best possible outcomes for children and families in transition or crisis by providing access to legal services and support they could not otherwise afford and by advancing collaborative, non-adversarial options for resolving conflicts outside the court system.

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Legal Aid Funding
Legal aid professionals and organizations oftentimes receive government funding for taking on cases with those who cannot afford attorneys. For the most part, funding is limited so legal aid entities can only take on a limited amount of cases. Qualifications are often rigid.


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