Church World Service - Legal Service provides legal assistance for applications for:
- Legal permanent residence
- Employment authorization documents
- Family petitions
- Naturalization
Attorneys represent clients in:
- Immigration Court
- Board of Immigration Appeals
- US Citizenship and Immigration Services
Fee for Service Program:
- Nominal fee, clients from any nationality are served on by appointment and walk-in basis.
- Through the State of Florida Refugee and Entrant Service Program, service may be completely free of charge, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Asylees, and Refugees in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County.
- Eligibility depends on case approval by the State of Florida.
Mission Statement: Families in our communities and around the world need you now more than ever. As the coronavirus pandemic impacts each part of the world, our programs are rapidly adapting to share critical information, keep kids learning, continue life-saving work and continue to build resilience. When you donate to CWS, your gifts will provide food, clean water, healthcare, supplies and support services for vulnerable families around the world, while also allowing CWS to adapt in the face of this pandemic. We are all in this together. Together, we can keep hope alive.
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